
Will somebody play with me?


Did somebody say "cookie"?


Gorgeous and knows it.

Sportz (RIP Dec. 2009)

Sportz (RIP Dec. 2009)
I'm the REAL boss in this house

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Just Lookin' For A Home

Take a bow, Miss Molly!
You've come a long way baby!

Our Miss Molly is meeting her potential adopter on Saturday morning. I think this older lady will be a good match for Molly. I hope they hit it off. We're taking her for her nails and to buy her a pink bandana so she makes a great first impression.

She's done well since being with us. We haven't had the battle of "going for a pee" in several days now. It was so frustrating walking her back and forth in the rain and at night trying to get her to "go". Never saw a dog afraid of the dark before. I had to stand there with a flashlight and do much muttering under my breath "go pee, c'mon Molly, PLEASE go pee, stupid dog....GO PEE!!!!" This dog's bathroom habits were getting to be an obsession with me. Finally a breakthrough though!! Yay Molly.

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