
Will somebody play with me?


Did somebody say "cookie"?


Gorgeous and knows it.

Sportz (RIP Dec. 2009)

Sportz (RIP Dec. 2009)
I'm the REAL boss in this house

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A River Runs Through It

Of course, Rooney and Sportz thought we were all a bunch of fools. Who would go out in that sort of weather except for crazy humans and border collies?

Sonic and Tess had a huge amount of fun. How often do you get to swim down the trail?

Below is what we discovered on our walk this morning. The water you see in the photo is not the creek. It is the trail. Do we let it stop us??

Of course not. We have our handy dandy frog boots to go slopping through the water. Luckily, it only came half way up my boots.

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