I thought it would be a fun idea to start introducing some of the other members of our dog dancing group.
This little fellow here is Chaps. He is an 11 month old Portuguese Water Dog. He is just starting out his dancing career and will follow in his big brother Blitzen's pawprints. 
This is Snowie, a standard poodle. He looks very elegant, but secretly enjoys "bad" girls. He's taken a bit of a shine to Sonic.

This pretty lady is Breeze another standard poodle. She and her mum, Jan are quite new to the group. When she first started, she wasn't motivated by toys or food. Now she has been known to sniff out stray cinnamon buns in purses and chow down. Way to go, Breeze!
There are others that I will get to when I have more time.
Right now, we are gearing up for the big Whistler weekend. It's all very exciting for us. We get to stay in a fancy hotel WITH our dogs. It should be interesting as the weatherman is calling for possible SNOW?? Isn't this April on the west coast? What's going on here? I'm so glad that my routine doesn't consist on a skimpy costume or you wouldn't be able to see me through all my goose bumps. Oh yeah, did I mention we're preforming OUTSIDE?? Weatherman is wrong a lot, so lets hope he's wrong about this.
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