
Will somebody play with me?


Did somebody say "cookie"?


Gorgeous and knows it.

Sportz (RIP Dec. 2009)

Sportz (RIP Dec. 2009)
I'm the REAL boss in this house

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Big Splash

My line dance costume. Yeehaw. We did a demo today at the SPCA Paws For A Cause. Loads of fun and a beautiful day in the park.

We took the dogs swimming at the swimming hole on the way home. Beaver hasn't been seen in a week. I guess he didn't like sharing his pond with the dogs. Tess always makes a grand entrance into the water.

Sonic, we sometimes have to coax to go into the water. She loves it, but not as much as Tess. She jumps right in when she is hot, but most of the time, she proceeds very cautiously.

Here's Twinkle Toes Sonic taking the long way around to bring back the ball. It would be much easier and quicker to just swim back to the side of the pond, but no. She has to go to the other side and all the way around. It must be a border collie thing.

This fellow here is Diefenbaker. He loves going in the water, but is a bit worried about getting in over his head. He wanted that stick SO badly, but it was not quite within his reach.

Catcher to the rescue. That little mop beside Catcher is Maggie. She's a small terrier thing with a big dog attitude. She takes seriously "If you can't play with the big dogs, get off the porch."

How can you not love a face like that?

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